Sunday, June 14, 2015

No two kitchens are the same.

During my last 5 weeks abroad i have had the opportunity to experience foods that I had never even heard of in America. Por ejemplo:  bull tail, pulpos, kalamari, and cusco (in Africa). All of these food were extremely great, but I can honestly say I received the best food at mi casa, from my mom Rosa. After each day of class my walk home is filed with excitement because of how unique and tasteful her meals for lunch are. My mom usually prepares large meals which require her to start earlier, so its very seldom that I have the opportunity to watch her prepare the food from scratch. By the time I usually arrive home my mom, and aunt are completing the final finishing touches, and its about the time to eat! I have a belief that my mom truly enjoys cooking, she offers to cook for me all the time. And when I presented her with the questions, she smiled while answering them. Earlier in the year I asked my mom if she liked to get items from dia, or corte ingles. Her response was Dia because it was more "comodo" for her.

When I asked her where she preferred to get her groceries she responded by saying supermarkets because they were also more "comodo" which basically means more convenient for her. Since she loves to cook my mom usually visits the supermarcado Tres o cuatro veces a la semana.. As a pretty often shopper she expressed her dissatisfaction with the rise in market prices for foods like leche, pan fruitas. Since alot of her meals contain these items, continual rising prices are really bad for her. My mom.and aunt are pretty organized people so on average they finish preparing their meals in between 30-45 minutes. Unless they are preparing my favorite food "paella" which takes just a little bit longer. I found it very interesting that my mom did not learn how to cook until she was 18 or 19 years old. I learned how to cook at a much younger age; 14,or 15. We both learned to cook from our mothers. My  appreciation for lunch has grown so much since being here. It is very refreshing to bond with my family over food, then to be able to enjoy siesta shortly after!

Paella! Pollo, arroz,y verduras!

Me in amazement, and my mothers arm.

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